Florida Driving Under the Influence of Drugs Attorneys
Tampa & Sarasota DUID Lawyers
Most people are familiar with DUI when it relates to alcohol. But what about driving under the influence of drugs? DUID (driving under the influence of drugs) is the crime of operating a motor vehicle while one’s abilities are impaired by the use of drugs. This also applies to boating under the influence (BUI) of drugs. Marijuana, or cannabis, is the most commonly abused drug in DUID and BUI cases involving drugs, but any illegal drug, over the counter medicine or prescription drug has the potential of impairing one’s abilities and may lead to a Florida DUID arrest.

Sarasota DUI Drug Lawyer Darren Finebloom spoke with the Bradenton Herald about driving under the influence of drugs.
Have you been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs in Tampa, Sarasota or the surrounding areas? Finebloom & Haenel is a Florida law firm whose attorneys have experience with defending driving under the influence of drugs accusations. When you work with a Tampa DUID lawyer at our firm, you are working with a professional who is fighting to protect your rights and interests. Our lawyers and staff are dedicated to our clients and will do whatever it takes to effectively represent your Tampa or Sarasota driving under the influence of drugs charge.
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs in Florida
DUID is a special area of Florida drug crime defense law. It also varies from typical DUI charge in that there are no set levels in Florida for how much of a drug you can have in your system before you are legally impaired. In many driving under the influence of drugs cases, the prosecution must prove that your abilities were actually impaired when driving the boat or car. This is called an “effect-based DUI” because it does not actually relate to the levels of drugs in your system, only to the effect of the drugs on your operation of the car.
Only a DUID attorney who is skilled and practiced will be able to defend your case. Finebloom & Haenel, P.A. offers a free consultation to discuss your under the influence case.
Driving under the influence of drugs charge in Tampa or Sarasota? Contact our DUID lawyers today!